Biophysics Seminar

SPRING 2024 series: Thursdays 2.45-3.45 pm, Science 115

January 11       Introduction. Alexis Johnson, UNC Charlotte.

January 18       Aarushi Nascar, Ritwija Bhattacharjee, UNC Charlotte, students talks.

January 25       Kimia Kaffashi, Reza Reza, , UNC Charlotte, students talks.

February 1      Dr. Charles A. Herring, University of Western Australia and the Harry Perkins Institute of Medical Research. Human prefrontal cortex gene regulatory dynamics from gestation to adulthood at single-cell resolution. (Zoom meeting: Meeting ID: 951 4066 7216 Passcode: 947919)

February 8      Dr. Melissa A. Moss, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of South Carolina. Alzheimer’s disease and inflammation: opportunities for diagnostics and therapies. (in person)

February 15    Dr. Didier Dréau, Department of Biological Sciences, UNC Charlotte. (in person)

February 22    Dr. Alexander LushnikovDepartment of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Nebraska. (in person)

February 29    Dr. Kristen Funk, Department of Biological Sciences, UNC Charlotte. (in person)

March 14         Dr. Robert Daniels, FDA, Department of Health and Human Services. Approaches to Help Overcome the Barriers for Incorporating NA Antigens into Seasonal Influenza Vaccines. (distinguished lecture, in person)

March 21         Dr. Susan Trammel, Department of Physics and Optical Sciences, UNC Charlotte. (in person)

April 4              Dr. Joel Collier, Theodore Kennedy Professor of Biomedical Engineering, Duke University. (distinguished lecture, in person)

April 11            Dr. Tao Wei, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of South Carolina. (in person)

April 18            TBD

April 25            Dr. Alla Kostyukova, Gene and Linda Voiland School of Chemical Engineering & Bioengineering, Washington State University. (distinguished lecture, in person)